Choral Music
As we welcome the new school year, your child has the opportunity to participate in the school chorus! We will rehearse after school from the end of dismissal until 4:30 PM on Monday afternoons. This will be a wonderful opportunity for the children to express themselves, to learn a varied repertoire of music, to develop their singing voices as lifelong musical instruments, and to experience the satisfaction of performing well and working with a group. We are excited that your child is taking advantage of this opportunity.
Each chorus member must have his/her own transportation home after these rehearsals. Chorus members are expected to be attentive and use their best behavior for all weekly rehearsals. Please discuss with your child the importance of participation and self-discipline in chorus.
The Davis Chorus will perform formal and informal concerts throughout the year. These concerts will be held during the school day or in the evening and most of the concerts will be held here at school. Concert dates are TBA.