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General Music 

words speaks.~Hans Christian Anderson

Classroom Music

General music is offered to students in Mechina - 3rd grade. Students participating in general music classes will learn about the elements of music including, but not limited to pitch, rhythm, timbre, tone color, melody, harmony, movement, and instruments of the orchestra. Music lessons are integrated with academic subjects, with a heavy emphasis on math and literature. These students learn to play instruments, sing a varied repertoire of songs, move to the beat of the music, and much more! 


5th  grade students at The Davis Academy will learn to play the ukulele using a program called Rainbow Ukulele! These students attend music class 3 days a week for 50 minutes. Each student will learn to play on an acoustic, soprano ukulele. Students will learn proper technique when playing the ukulele, how to pluck and strum strings, how to play simple chords, and accompany themselves while singing. 

Classroom Music

General music is offered to students in Mechina - 3rd grade. Students participating in general music classes will learn about the elements of music including, but not limited to pitch, rhythm, timbre, tone color, melody, harmony, movement, and instruments of the orchestra. Music lessons are integrated with academic subjects, with a heavy emphasis on math and literature. These students learn to play instruments, sing a varied repertoire of songs, move to the beat of the music, and much more! 


At The Davis Academy, 4th  grade students learn to play an electronic keyboard. Each student works at his/her own pace, progressing at an individual rate. These students attend music class 3 days a week for 50 minutes. All students work out of the Faber series of piano books. Advanced students already enrolled in private lessons are also invited to bring their method books to class and use this time as an additional resource.  4th Grade music is taught by Bob Michek, director of Fusion Bands at the middle school. 


3rd grade music students at The Davis Academy participate in an instrument unit, Recorder Karate Stars. In addition to learning to read the music staff, students also learn to play the recorder and "pass off" for belts at his/her individual level. Beads get darker as the level of difficulty increases. All recorder students will have an opportunity to perform as a group for a live audience at the conclusion of the Recorder Unit. 

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