Little Bits and a little news!
We're officially back to school after winter break and so much has already happened! My Professional Development Tech Strand is blossoming! Over the winter break, I found out that I was chosen to participate as a "SMART Exemplary Educator" aka "SMARTEE!" I couldn't be more excited! Shoutout to my friend and colleague, Staci Gelbaum for motivating me to apply for the program! I even got a sweatshirt to show my ruach!
In other news, Stacy Brown just introduced me to Little Bits and I couldn't be more excited! These little bits, literally, are electronic pieces that can be put together in a multitude of ways to create ANYTHING! Melissa and I tried to create an Alabama stadium, but it took us a few minutes to figure out how the bits operate. We had a blast, nonetheless and want to possibly test out our skills at a faculty meeting sometime soon... Like maybe this BUZZER?!? Now that I have a much better understanding, I want to try out some of the music and sound options with my music classes. Has anyone ever tried any before that you would recommend? It seems like there are a TON of options!